We are pleased to announce the following job openings (opportunities):

Posted by Labels: at

We are pleased to announce the following job openings (opportunities):


a. Developing the relationship with O&G companies (ARAMCO, SABIC, oil services companies), MEGA companies like SEKECO, Universities, hospitals, and primary private sector companies etc. and able to understand their supplies need.

b. Manage the tendering process from estimation stage, souring, quotation, until managing the supply and closing stage.

c. Required Qualification:

i. Bachelor Degree in Business or Engineering.
ii. At least 10 years of experience in the general supply, sourcing, and tendering management.
iii. Experience in sourcing.
iv. Strong track record in business & relationship development.
v. Strong Arabic / English.
vi. Gender: Male / Female.


a. Able to open & manage social media accounts.
b. Able to develop a marketing content by understanding internal business marketing needs including branding, PR, promotion etc. then develop marketing messages that serve business purposes.
c. Manage the relationship with marketing sub-contractors & social media services providers.
d. Ability to manage SEO and analysis.
e. Lead the mission of applications development and management.
f. Website ongoing development and re-shaping
g. Required Qualification:
i. Bachelor Degree in Marketing or Business with extensive marketing knowledge / experience.
ii. At least 5 years of experience in marketing and social marketing (content marketing, SEO etc.)
iii. Experience in sourcing.
iv. Strong Arabic / English.
v. Gender: Male / Female.

Email: hr@salembalhamer.com / abdullah@salembalhamer.com
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